Welcome to S D Eaden Matriculation Higher Secondary School
The S D Eaden Matriculation Higher Secondary School at Vadalur is selffinancing and non profit motive institution owned and operated by the Trust of
Seventh Day Educational Trust, Cud. The Managing Trustee: Dr. Sugirtha Thomas,
Financial Trustee: Mr.Dheepak Thomas, Trustee: Mrs. Pavithra Dheepak.
S D Eaden Matriculation School - Sethiyathope. In 2018, New branch
school is started at Sethiyathope, Bhuvanagiri TK. As a unit venture of Eaden
Group of Institutions. With God’s grace and Parents support this venture Turned
out to be a Successful Matriculation School.
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School App 
For the first time in a Education History we are proud to introduce our office school app SDEADEN (Availabel in IOS/Android) Parents can check their Childs Attendence,fees,marks,remarks,school activities,bus tracking live in single click.
SDEaden APP Available in Appstore (Android & IOS)